How Sync can be a "humbling and inspiring experience" 01/2017

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shadow's lisa
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How Sync can be a "humbling and inspiring experience" 01/2017

Message par shadow's lisa »

How Sync can be a “humbling and inspiring experience” — Leland Music’s Ed Bailie - The first in a series of interviews with world-leading music supervisors is with the award-winning Director of Leland Music. Enjoy!

By Farinoush Mostaghimi on January 16, 2017

SynchAudio is proud to be the partner of Midem 2017’s Global Sync & Brands Summit, and to bring you this series of interviews.
We believe this partnership works because it brings together the best elements of both sides: the global music industry platform that is Midem, with exclusive curated knowledge around the licensing of music for screen based media.
A marriage of excellence!

Furieuse envie de tout cramer, dans un esprit de stabilité institutionnelle.


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