Why Aren't We Making Better Use of Music in Advertising? 06/2020

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Why Aren't We Making Better Use of Music in Advertising? 06/2020

Message par shadow's lisa »

Why Aren't We Making Better Use of Music in Advertising?

The history of the form, and where we go next

By Josh Rabinowitz of Brooklyn Music Experience on Jun 05 2020

Understandably, during this multi-month Covid era, nearly all of the music used in ads, marketing, interstitials, social and political messaging feels and even sounds the same: Solemn, bittersweet, uplifting, lots of minimal piano with repeated figures, or serious orchestral chords and colors. Very expected, and on the mark emotionally.

Universality, a collective swell, a commonality of feeling is the aim. But it's noticeably not working, as everything now seems the same.

“L'ironie du sort, c'est la face cachée de notre destin.” © Paul Guimard


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