Three Chords and the Truth: What Brands Can Learn From Pop Songs 11/2022

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Three Chords and the Truth: What Brands Can Learn From Pop Songs 11/2022

Message par shadow's lisa »

Three Chords and the Truth: What Brands Can Learn From Pop Songs

The hunt for a positioning that's simple yet unique

By Tom Kenny of Courage on Nov 01 2022

First, a confession—I've never written a pop song. Actually, I've never written a song of any kind. In fact, apart from a brief affair with piano lessons in elementary school and an even briefer flirtation with the alto sax in junior high, I've never had much of any musical inclination. But despite my personal shortcomings, music has been a lifelong passion of mine. And not just listening to music, either. I've always been fascinated with its creation as well.

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